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Tag: Workers Compensation

How To Prevent Your Business From Burning

Having the right kind of business insurance is very important to every business, because you rely on business insurance to protect your assets in the event of a fire, theft or other loss. In 2016, there were over 374,000 commercial fires which caused 2,300 deaths and over 7,400,000,000 of damage. (FEMA Report) Here are some actions you can take that may reduce the severity of...

Don’t Let the Company Holiday Party Turn Into an Employment Claim

Company Holiday Parties Increase Risks Your company Holiday party was going great, and everyone was having a wonderful time.  Except one of the female employees said that a manager touched her and made un-wanted advances.  Now she is filing an employment liability claim.  This is a scenario that no one wants to happen. Your business insurance many not cover this lawsuit unless you have employment...

What Is Trending in Risk Management

Are you concerned about the future?  Is your risk management program designed and prepared for changes in pricing, economic downturns, healthcare, changes in employment laws and upcoming political elections?  A broker or agent who cares about your business will be on the forefront of change.  Part of providing outstanding customer service is helping clients understand how current and future trends may affect their risk program....

Advantages of an Independent Agent

Partners Risk Services is an independent agency. This means we don’t work for any one specific insurance company. We have access to many markets, giving us the ability to shop your account and search the market for the best option for you. With captive insurance agents, like the big national companies, you only get the guidance of one company that sells one brand of insurance....

How to Properly Insure Summer Interns

Many businesses are getting ready to hire summer interns. These internships can be rewarding for the college student as well as provide some help to the business.  Offering paid or non-paid internships can create risk for your business.  If the interns are receiving wages, they will be considered employees of the company, and eligible for workers’ compensation insurance coverage under your current policy.  If the...