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Tag: Safety

Make Your House Safe For Trick-Or-Treaters

Make Your House Safe For Trick-Or-Treaters

Make Your House Safe For Trick-Or-Treaters Halloween is fast approaching. All kids love to dress up, get together with friends, and go door-to-door hoping to find the full size candy bar. A little pre-planning can prevent unfortunate accidents that could turn out to be tragic for kids and trying for you. Here are some pointers for ensuring your house is a safe place for trick-or-treaters...

How To Celebrate July Fourth Safely

How To Celebrate July Fourth Safely

Fireworks during the Fourth of July are as American as apple-pie, but did you know that two out of five fires reported on that day are started by fireworks, more than for any other cause? So you think it cannot happen to you? Here are a few facts: In 2018 over 9,800 people went to the emergency room as a result of fireworks related injuries....

Are Rideshare Drivers Covered By Their Auto Insurance?

Are Rideshare Drivers Covered By Their Auto Insurance?

If you drive your personally owned auto for Uber, Lyft, or even a pizza delivery company, your personal auto insurance will not provide the coverage you need, should you be involved in an accident.  Uber and Lyft are "rideshare" services that compete with taxis and more traditional car transport services. These companies do not own or operate their cars and do not hire their drivers...

  How To Add Value To Your Next Business Insurance Renewal Your business insurance is an important part of your overall risk management program. It is essential to have the best possible insurance coverage, competitive pricing, and the right insurer. We have found a number of factors that are important when renewing your business insurance program. Your business insurance program should generally include commercial property,...

Keep Your Home and Person Safe This Holiday

Keep Your Home and Person Safe This Holiday

Keep Your Home and Person Safe This Holiday Halloween is over and that means we are in the middle of the Holiday Season. During the next 30 days, we will all be busy shopping, eating out and traveling. Please keep these safety tips in mind, so that you can enjoy the season without incident: Shopping Safety Tips Always be aware of your surroundings. Put your...