We Can Help Your Business Survive an Interruption
Posted: July 28, 2017
A Business Insurance Update Have you considered the cost to you if your business had to shut down for a week, month, or even longer? We have, and we can offer a few tips to help your business continue even in the midst of a shut down. A business can be shut down for a number of reasons. Your business or commercial insurance policy will...
How to Properly Insure Summer Interns
Posted: April 9, 2017
Many businesses are getting ready to hire summer interns. These internships can be rewarding for the college student as well as provide some help to the business. Offering paid or non-paid internships can create risk for your business. If the interns are receiving wages, they will be considered employees of the company, and eligible for workers’ compensation insurance coverage under your current policy. If the...
How Prepared Are You?
Posted: March 9, 2017
Is Your Business Prepared For A Loss? Your business insurance can respond to many kinds of risks and losses. Protecting your business from loss can mean the difference between having a great year, and having to close your doors. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 30% of businesses that have a fire never re-open. Therefore, it pays to have the right business insurance and to...
What to Do After the Storm?
Posted: December 23, 2016
The past few days have been tough for many people in Georgia and the east coast and other east coast states. We thought this might be a good time to point out a few things homeowners need to do to take certain precautions after the storm has passed. Damage to your home can have a dramatic emotional impact, having a plan, and being aware of...
How To Survive The Holidays
Posted: December 12, 2016
We are full steam ahead; the holiday rush has begun. Beyond getting the flu vaccine, there is a lot you can do to help your body and mind during the holidays. Allison Aiello, Ph.D., a professor of epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, offers a few words to help us survive the Holidays. Get plenty of sleep. Alcohol use has been associated with an...