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Tag: Restaurant Insurance

Undocumented Workers Can Be A Big Issue

Are Undocumented Workers Covered Under Workers’ Compensation? A Business Insurance Update With all the talk these days about illegal immigration, we thought it might be good to answer a common question. That is, are undocumented workers covered under workers’ compensation?  According to the U.S. Department of Labor and Homeland Security, undocumented immigrants make up 3.2 percent of the United States' population.  The Federal Government requires...

Is Your Business Insurance Keeping Up With Your Business?

A Business Insurance Update Your business risk keeps changing, and you need a business insurance program that keeps up with your risks.  Your business insurance is an important part of your risk management program. It is important to have the right insurance coverage, competitive pricing, and the right insurer.  It is necessary to update your commercial or business insurance coverage to insure your business can...

How To Keep You Company Holiday Party Safe For All

Business Insurance And Risk Management Tips As we close the year out, many businesses will be hosting company parties.  Business owners, executives, and human resources personnel need to make sure to avoid some key risks to ensure their day of merriment does not turn into disaster.  While your business insurance would likely respond to most claims, we have several tips to help reduce the likelihood...

Is Your Business Ready For The New DOL Overtime Rules?

Business Insurance Update Is your business prepared to undertake new overtime rules that will be set into place on December 1, 2016?  If you are fined because of non-compliance, your business insurance will not provide coverage.  Business insurance policies are not designed to cover government fines. The US Department of Labor (DOL) released the final rule that raises the white-collar overtime exemption threshold under the...

Does My Privately Held Business Need Directors and Officers Liability Insurance?

Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance is an effective solution for the risks facing private organizations.  Our products and services are designed to fit the needs of your business. Our insurance policy protects directors, officers, employees, volunteers, committee members, trustees, and the organization itself. Why Do We Need Directors and Officers Liability Insurance? Over 50% of privately held firms have had D&O related claims 20% have...