Stop Porch Pirates This Holiday Season
Posted: December 2, 2020
The holiday season is filled with fun, parties, food, gifts, overeating and unfortunately some risk. One of the fasted growing risks for many people are stolen packages by porch pirates. According to proopertycasualtiy360, over 26 million packages are stolen during the holiday season. Need more bad news? Your homeowners or renter’s insurance generally may not cover this loss as it tends to be under your...
How to Get the Most out of Your Homeowner's Insurance
Posted: October 9, 2020
A Homeowner's Insurance Update Most people only think about their homeowner's insurance once a year when the policy renews, or if they have a claim. But your life changes almost every day, and you need an insurance program that can change with you. Here are a few things to think about when purchasing homeowner's insurance. Is a Home Remodel Project in Your Future? You may...
Summer Home Safety Tips
Posted: August 18, 2020
The majority of home burglaries do not involve violence or the use of a weapon. The average dollar loss from a burglary in the United States is just over $2,000, and there are over 2 million burglaries in the US every year. Many people travel during the summer season and we wanted to provide a few tips to make sure you come home that is...
Personal Insurance Products You Need in the Summer
Posted: June 9, 2020
Summer means there is more daylight hours for activity for you and your family. With the kids home from school and vacations planned, it is important to understand the various risks involved. With increased car travel in the summer, injuries from auto accidents almost triple, according to the National Safety Council. Let us look at some of the top causes of accidents during the spring...
Is Your Personal Insurance Impacted by COVID-19?
Posted: May 2, 2020
We hope you are safe and healthy. We are living in different times and having the right kind of insurance is more important than ever. As our country continues to manage through the COVID-19 crises, we thought it might be useful to take some time to remind you of the importance of your personal insurance during this time. The coronavirus pandemic won’t affect your auto...