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Tag: Business Insurance

Undocumented Workers Can Be A Big Issue

Are Undocumented Workers Covered Under Workers’ Compensation? A Business Insurance Update With all the talk these days about illegal immigration, we thought it might be good to answer a common question. That is, are undocumented workers covered under workers’ compensation?  According to the U.S. Department of Labor and Homeland Security, undocumented immigrants make up 3.2 percent of the United States' population.  The Federal Government requires...

How Prepared Are You?

Is Your Business Prepared For A Loss? Your business insurance can respond to many kinds of risks and losses.  Protecting your business from loss can mean the difference between having a great year, and having to close your doors.  According to the Insurance Information Institute, 30% of businesses that have a fire never re-open.  Therefore, it pays to have the right business insurance and to...

We Think Of Insurance as a Promise

Business and personal insurance update Many people look at insurance as a commodity, like buying car or a piece of furniture.  Consequently, they become caught up in searching for the lowest price for the “product of insurance.”  Insurance is less of a commodity, and more of a promise or service. Promise vs. product Insurance is a promise from the insurer to cover your claim or...

Is Your Business Insurance Keeping Up With Your Business?

A Business Insurance Update Your business risk keeps changing, and you need a business insurance program that keeps up with your risks.  Your business insurance is an important part of your risk management program. It is important to have the right insurance coverage, competitive pricing, and the right insurer.  It is necessary to update your commercial or business insurance coverage to insure your business can...

How To Survive The Holidays

We are full steam ahead; the holiday rush has begun. Beyond getting the flu vaccine, there is a lot you can do to help your body and mind during the holidays. Allison Aiello, Ph.D., a professor of epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, offers a few words to help us survive the Holidays. Get plenty of sleep. Alcohol use has been associated with an...