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Category: Restaurant Insurance

Are You In The Market For Employment Practice Liability Coverage?

Are You In The Market For Employment Practice Liability Coverage?

A Business and Risk Update The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just released the latest numbers relating to employment claims, and they remind us of the need for employment practices liability insurance. Retaliation was the most frequently filed charge with the EEOC in 2018, followed by race and disability. Sexual harassment charges with the EEOC increased by 13.6%, based on preliminary 2018 results. Monetary awards...

New Cyber Challenges For 2021

New Cyber Challenges For 2021

The CIOVID-19 pandemic has affected businesses operate in a significant way.  Many businesses are requiring people to work remotely.  Employers are now finding that having employees work remotely is the new normal. COVID-19 has forced commercial businesses to become more dependent on the internet.  This new normal now requires special procedure and policies to protect your organization, its data, and network. When workers feel secure,...

Every Business Has Risk

Every Business Has Risk

We know choosing the right Commercial Insurance for your new business is an important decision. Partners Risk Services has the experience to market your Commercial Insurance and provide you with options for your new business. Whether you're a store owner, distributor, office professional, or wholesaler, you need Commercial Insurance to protect you and your new business against the unique risks and exposures you face. Here...

COVID-19 Safety For Your Business

COVID-19 Safety For Your Business

Every business must have COVID-19 safety procedures in place in 2021. Helping your employees return to work safely and confidently during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is no easy task. Employers must ensure social distancing for employees and customers, frequent and adequate employee hand-washing, and that sick employees stay home. Employers must also provide basic workplace hazard education about coronavirus and how to prevent transmission in...

Restaurant Insurance Cost Savings Strategies

Restaurant Insurance Cost Savings Strategies

If your restaurant is open through COVID-19 it is important that you find ways to reduce operating costs.  Making sure you have the right insurance at the right price is very important. If you are in search of commercial insurance for your restaurant, you may find it difficult to find competitive rates and coverage. We shop your insurance regularly, which enables us to provide the...