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Category: Restaurant Insurance

Does Your Business Need Interruption Insurance?

Does Your Business Need Interruption Insurance?

There is no doubt that commercial insurance has many complex terms and coverage that  cause some to ask, “Why would I ever need that kind of insurance?”  One term that is not immediately obvious as to its meaning is “Business Interruption coverage”.   and the benefits of having it as part of your commercial insurance package. Business Interruption Defined Business interruption insurance is intended to compensate...

Restaurant Insurance From Partners Risk Services

Restaurant Insurance From Partners Risk Services

The single most important insurance coverage your restaurant or bar needs is Liquor Liability. Liquor Liability will defend you against charges, losses, and claims resulting from your negligence arising out of serving or selling alcohol. If your operation were found liable you could lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you serve a customer alcohol and they are involved in an accident, the injured party...

Are You Looking For Better Personal Insurance?

Are You Looking For Better Personal Insurance?

When it comes to shopping for a home, motorcycle, RV, or auto insurance, you have a variety of choices. You can call the number advertised on television or shop at a local big-named brand, but you will only have one option. Independent insurance agents represent a variety of insurance companies, not just one, as most others advertised on television do. Significant advantages exist for shopping with...

How To Get The Most Out of Your Business Insurance

How To Get The Most Out of Your Business Insurance

There are just so many alternatives when it comes to choosing the correct insurance for your company. When it comes to commercial company insurance, one of the most important things to think about is how to get the most out of your policy. Start making the most of your commercial business insurance, consider the following suggestions: Keep your policy current, review and update it on...

Why Is Directors and Officers Insurance Important?

Why Is Directors and Officers Insurance Important?

Corporate Directors and Officers Insurance (D&O) Protects Corporate Directors and Officers from Personal Liability The majority of business insurance policies are meant to protect a company's assets and earnings. The goal of Directors and Executives Insurance, often known as D&O Insurance, is to protect and defend the personal assets and income of boards of directors, employees and corporate officers. A startup company does not require...