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Category: Home Insurance

Summer Is Over; Back To School Safety Tips

Everyone looks forward to the first few days of school; meeting old friends and finding the seat in the new classroom, all create an excitement this time of year. But as you get your kids ready for school we want to remind you of a few safety tips. Make sure your children know their phone number, address, how to get in touch with their parents...

Do You Want To Insure Your Home For Less Money

How To Save On Your  Homeowner’s Insurance Homeowner’s insurance typically covers you against fire, theft and other damage to your home and personal property. Homeowner’s insurance also covers your liability in case someone gets inured on your property. Everyone likes to save money on their homeowner’s insurance. But many people assume that saving money equals less coverage.  That is not so.  Here are some simple...

Ten Things Burglars Don’t Want you to Know

Protect Your Home This Holiday The majority of home burglaries do not involve violence or the use of a weapon. The average dollar loss from a burglary in the United States is just over $2,000, and there are over 2 million burglaries in the US every year. Many people travel during the holiday season and we wanted to provide a few tips to make sure...

Common Mistakes Made When Purchasing Insurance

There are a number of common mistakes some individuals and businesses make when it comes to purchasing insurance. Insurance is the product you buy in case the unexpected happens. Unfortunately, by the time you need it, it's too late to make sure you have the right type and amount of insurance coverage. Make sure you don't make the following mistakes while buying business insurance or...

July 4th Safety Tips

Fireworks during the Fourth of July are as American as apple-pie, but did you know that two out of five fires reported on that day are started by fireworks, more than for any other cause? So you think it cannot happen to you? Here are a few facts: In 2013 over 9,000 people went to the emergency room as a result of fireworks related injuries....