Workers' Compensation Cost Reduction Tip
Posted: July 28, 2022
It is true that no company will be completely free of Workers’ Compensation claims. Accidents do happen, and that is why you have Workers’ Compensation Insurance. The goal should be to develop a pattern of reduced claim numbers and claims costs from year to year. One effective way to manage these costs is to change the way you hire. We have noticed that when companies...
Keys To Training New Employees
Posted: June 9, 2022
In theory, you recruit certain employees for their qualifications and expertise and others for their labor and ability to learn as a small business owner. But there's no denying that both types of employees will involve some training, and both will benefit from clear objectives and direction. What might be covered It is your right as an employer to set expectations. When it comes to...
Proven Ways To Build Strong Insurance Relationships
Posted: May 16, 2022
The partnership between an insurance agent, an insurer, and a client is one of the most important in the industry. Carriers and the underwriters create policies and take on risks for insureds, whereas brokers assist their clients in finding the best insurance policies and carriers for their needs. The independent agent and broker are the industry's backbone. They are the primary channel of distribution for...
Are You Looking For Better Personal Insurance?
Posted: April 22, 2022
When it comes to shopping for a home, motorcycle, RV, or auto insurance, you have a variety of choices. You can call the number advertised on television or shop at a local big-named brand, but you will only have one option. Independent insurance agents represent a variety of insurance companies, not just one, as most others advertised on television do. Significant advantages exist for shopping with...
How To Get The Most Out of Your Business Insurance
Posted: January 22, 2022
There are just so many alternatives when it comes to choosing the correct insurance for your company. When it comes to commercial company insurance, one of the most important things to think about is how to get the most out of your policy. Start making the most of your commercial business insurance, consider the following suggestions: Keep your policy current, review and update it on...