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Category: Contractors Insurance 2

Business Must Prepare For Continue Winter Storms Winter storms will impact a large part of the East Coast starting this winter. We can expect continued storm surges over the next 60 to 90 days and that means businesses need to continue to plan for storms. Winter storms can cause damage to buildings, auto accidents and even loss of life. No matter how good you are...

Is Your Business covered For These Risks?

Is Your Business covered For These Risks? Many businesses buy commercial insurance thinking that the policy they have covers most if not all things that might go wrong and cause a loss to their business.  That kind of thinking can lead to an uninsured loss. We take the time to educate ourselves on your risks, and then design an insurance program to meet your needs. ...

Something Your Business Insurance Might Be Missing

Something Your Business Insurance Might Be Missing

If your business suffered a property loss, are you confident that your building would be restored to its pre-loss condition—including any changes in building codes?  It is a sobering fact that over 30% of businesses that suffer a total loss never resume operations.  If these businesses had purchased the right insurance, they might have been able to continue operation. One of the often-misunderstood kinds of...

Three Items That May Not Be Covered Under A Standard Contractors Insurance Policy

Three Items That May Not Be Covered Under A Standard Contractors Insurance Policy

  Contractors Insurance Update If you are a contractor you may have some coverage issues that you need to review. Many contractors’ insurance policies have limitations or exclusions that could cause un-insured losses. Contractors Insurance Concerns Contractual Liability The ISO Commercial General Liability Coverage form excludes damages or loss for which the contractor is obligated to pay by reason of having assumed liability under a...

Is Your Business Hiring This Summer?

Is Your Business Hiring This Summer?

Many businesses today offer college students the opportunity to hold a summer intern position. These can be rewarding for the college student as well as provide some help to the business. Offering paid or non-paid internships can create risk for your business.  We wanted to highlight some of the business risks associated with having interns.  Before you bring that person on board, make sure your...