When Fake News Is not Fake
Posted: February 21, 2020
We offer only proven insurance solutions We have all read fake news stories. We especially liked the one about the 200-pound cat that went on a diet! There are also many fake news stories out there about insurance. Some of these news articles claim that it is supposedly easier and better to buy personal insurance online. These articles go so far as to claim...
We Know Insurance
Posted: February 11, 2020
When you decide to buy a car, you wouldn’t purchase the first one you see. What if one day the automobile industry decided to make only one type of car, one make and one model. You wouldn’t have a choice! The same situation holds true for insurance. You need insurance to drive a car, to purchase a house, to protect your family’s financial future and...
Do Devices Like Amazon’s Echo and Alexa Create Personal Liability?
Posted: January 29, 2020
A personal Insurance Update More consumers are buying smart devices that tie in their smart phones and other home technology to the internet. The most current devices allow you to have direct access to the internet from anywhere in your home. By saying a key phrase, which Amazon calls a “wake word,” the Echo comes to life and begins listening for commands. By default,...
A New Year… Let’s Get Your Insurance Right
Posted: January 9, 2020
A New Year… Let’s Get Your Insurance Right As we move into a new year, I hope that every insurance agent and insurance buyer thinks about how they view their relationships. Let us get away from the clever insurance advertisement’s attempts to bring our products and services down to the lowest common denominator, price, and commodity. Insurance products and services are used to build our...
What Does Builder's Risk Insurance Cover?
Posted: December 18, 2019
Builder's Risk Insurance generally covers the owner, the lending institution, the contractor(s) performing the work, and other related parties. In addition to providing coverage for damage to the building itself, most plans also cover temporary constructs (like scaffolding), materials, and equipment being used (whether it's currently on-site or off-site). The majority of policies are written on an all-perils basis, which means that reimbursements are available...