Driving Safely In Inclement Weather
Posted: June 4, 2019
The arrival of spring means a long break from icy, snow-packed roads and winter driving conditions. Although snow and ice may not be a problem during the warmer months, inclement weather can still cause hazardous driving conditions. High winds and heavy rains are common in the spring, and peak tornado season is during the spring and summer. Weather Hazards In The Spring and Summer During...
Spending A Year Abroad: Do I Still Need Insurance For My Car Back Home?
Posted: May 6, 2019
If you are planning to travel abroad for a year and leave your car stored in the USA, you may be wondering if you need to carry auto insurance for the period of time during which the vehicle is not in use. The answer will depend on the circumstances, as well as where you live. State Law Auto Insurance Requirements Although laws vary from state...
New Car Shopping? Think About Auto Insurance Too
Posted: April 21, 2019
Auto Insurance Are you in the market for a new low-cost car? Before you head off to the showroom, you may want to determine which cars are the least expensive to insure. There are many low-cost autos on the market which are very popular. If you are in the market for a fuel-efficient, low-cost auto, here are some items to consider. Auto Liability Coverage pays...
What Can I Do If My Car Is Stolen?
Posted: March 15, 2019
Having your car stolen is a traumatic experience. You step out the door, and your car is simply gone – not there where you left it. Unfortunately, it happens every day to vehicle owners all over the U.S. The following is a checklist to prepare you in case that unhappy event ever happens to you. Check to Make Sure Your Car Has Actually Been Stolen...
Are Rideshare Drivers Covered By Their Auto Insurance?
Posted: March 11, 2019
If you drive your personally owned auto for Uber, Lyft, or even a pizza delivery company, your personal auto insurance will not provide the coverage you need, should you be involved in an accident. Uber and Lyft are "rideshare" services that compete with taxis and more traditional car transport services. These companies do not own or operate their cars and do not hire their drivers...