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Category: Auto Insurance

The Value of an Insurance Review in 2021

The Value of an Insurance Review in 2021

2021 will be an interesting year and there are sure to be many changes in your life, your work and your finances. It is important that your insurance is able to address your needs as your life changes.  Our team is ready to help you understand how your insurance needs have changed over time.  Here are a few examples of how life changes may impact...

Home Insurance Planning For 2021

Home Insurance Planning For 2021

A Personal Insurance Update We work to ensure that your home insurance provides the protection you deserve and need.   We understand you may need different coverage like a personal umbrella, RV insurance, valuable articles coverage, earthquake, or flood coverage. Over the years, we have found that homeowners who adhere to the following strategies have a better chance of obtaining the best possible combination of coverage,...

Some Winter Safe Driving Tips

Some Winter Safe Driving Tips

With winter weather approaching, we thought it would be good to provide a few tips on defensive driving especially during rain or other winter storms.  We want you and your family to stay safe and enjoy the winter months.  Now may also be a good time to have us complete a personal auto insurance review.  There are many ways to save on your auto insurance,...

Do I Need To Insure My Car During Winter Storage?

Do I Need To Insure My Car During Winter Storage?

It is not uncommon to put a vehicle in storage over the winter months. If you are not planning to use your car during the winter, it makes sense to keep it safe and protected from the harsh weather. It may be tempting to cancel your auto insurance coverage during this time, while your vehicle is not being driven on public roadways. After all, it...

What Happens If I Get In A Wreck With An Uninsured Driver?

What Happens If I Get In A Wreck With An Uninsured Driver?

Most states have mandatory minimum auto insurance laws, but some people still drive without the required coverage. The Insurance Information Institute (III) reports that in a recent study, 13%, or one in eight drivers in the U.S. is operating a vehicle without insurance. Many such drivers cannot afford the cost of car insurance, which makes it difficult to collect damages after an accident. Fortunately, there...