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Category: Auto Insurance

A Parent’s Guide to Teen Driver Safety

A Parent’s Guide to Teen Driver Safety

Learning to drive and getting a license is an important step in the process of becoming an adult. But that does not make it any less stressful for the teen’s parents! It is nearly impossible not to worry when you are aware of teen driving accident statistics and know how susceptible that age group can be to driver distraction. If you are a parent of...

What Kind Of Auto Insurance Do You Need?

What Kind Of Auto Insurance Do You Need?

Auto Insurance While different states require different types of insurance and additional options (such as gap insurance) are available. Some types of automobile insurance are mandated by California State law, while others are optional. Drivers or individuals who are willing to pay higher premiums will be better protected if they purchase additional insurance coverage. To make an informed selection about which auto insurance policy to purchase, you should first...

The Best Ways To Insure Your Recreational Toys

The Best Ways To Insure Your Recreational Toys

As summer approaches, many people are moving outdoors. This includes using ATVs, boats, RVs, golf carts, and more. All these vehicles need insurance to protect you against damage and liability. It is important to have the right insurance for your recreational vehicles. Most of these are not automatically covered under your home or auto policies. If you don’t want to insure physical damage on your...

Driving Safely in Heavy Traffic

Driving Safely in Heavy Traffic

Navigating your vehicle in heavy traffic is stressful – and dangerous. To avoid a collision, follow these simple tips for safer driving in heavy traffic.  Relax. You will eventually reach your destination, and being a few minutes late is better than being involved in a collision!  Drive Defensively. Other drivers may drive aggressively, weaving in and out of traffic to try to save a few...

Insurance Customers Needs Are Changing

Insurance Customers Needs Are Changing

With all the changes going on in our world, customers' needs seem to change as well. In a recent customer satisfaction survey regarding customer service, we found many interesting changes in what people what. Customer service has quickly risen to the top of the priority list for consumers, and 2021 will be no exception. But why are so many businesses putting a premium on the...