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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Summer Is Over; Back To School Safety Tips

Everyone looks forward to the first few days of school; meeting old friends and finding the seat in the new classroom, all create an excitement this time of year. But as you get your kids ready for school we want to remind you of a few safety tips. Make sure your children know their phone number, address, how to get in touch with their parents...

Builder’s Risk Insurance Protects Your Investment

If you own a building, you buy commercial property insurance to cover possible loss or damage to your investment. Most commercial insurance policies have provisions that cover incidental construction or improvements to the building. If your business is involved in new construction or a remodel of your current building, you will want to consider a builder’s risk policy. Why You Need Builder’s Risk Insurance Property...

Umbrella Insurance 101

Many businesses and people are unsure what an umbrella policy is or what it covers. Partners Risk Services is here to help. We will explain the basics of Umbrella Insurance and the benefits to you and your business. When you are outside and there is a light rain or breeze you generally don’t need or want an umbrella. However, if it is pouring down rain...

Do You Want To Insure Your Home For Less Money

How To Save On Your  Homeowner’s Insurance Homeowner’s insurance typically covers you against fire, theft and other damage to your home and personal property. Homeowner’s insurance also covers your liability in case someone gets inured on your property. Everyone likes to save money on their homeowner’s insurance. But many people assume that saving money equals less coverage.  That is not so.  Here are some simple...

How Workers’ Compensation Is Designed To Work

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Workplace accidents occur every day in. Even if your business has an excellent safety program, people get injured.  Many times people who are injured at work need time to recover. Thankfully, there is workers’ compensation insurance to cover the medical and time loss costs. If an employee is injured on the job, employers are legally liable to the employee. Workers’ compensation will...