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Archives: March 2018

How To Prevent Your Business From Being Hacked

How To Prevent Your Business From Being Hacked

A business of any size may be vulnerable to a data breach. Cyber attacks have become a frightening reality for individuals and organizations in recent years. Business owners should do all they can to secure their websites and customer information. If your business stores passwords, credit card numbers, or any form of sensitive client or customer information, be aware that hackers have you in their...

Leased or Rented Equipment

Leased or Rented Equipment

Like many organizations, your business may rent or lease equipment from time to time. You may be planning a special event and need a tent to accommodate 250 people as part of a business activity. Or, perhaps you are renting a sound system for a concert, or leasing office equipment such as your copier.  These kinds of events create added risk to the organization. It...

Is Your Business Covered For Employment Practices Liability?

Is Your Business Covered For Employment Practices Liability?

A Business Insurance Update Today more than ever, employees know their rights under the law. Over the years, the United States has created many federal laws and statutes to protect the rights of individuals including; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967,...